Don’t write New Year Resolutions, create a Backlog…
My brother told me as a joke that he only had one Resolution for 2019: “Don’t follow instructions from his wife”. With this only Resolution, he will have all the free time that he needs during the year. It was a joke; they are actually a beautiful retired couple, and always have interesting projects to do together. However, he did give the idea of follow #onlyoneresolution. I have One Resolution: “Do not write any”, and instead, as a good Product Owner, I’m writing my Product Backlog. This time the product’s name is “I” and I invite you to copy my product name and work in your own project “I”. The followings are the steps to work with the Backlog:
• Prepare a list of things that you want to accomplish during the first and second quarter of the year for your personal and professional life.
• Do not separate your professional list and personal list. Join both, because you are only one person. If you segregate them, you as a product owner will have conflicts between your lists.
• The third and fourth quarters are uncertain. Write general things for them, be aware of accepting the changes and being prepared to make modifications.
• Look at your list and prioritize the items. When establishing priorities don’t be only emotional, be a mix between your emotions and reality. Your family, your profession, your joy as a whole is “I”
• Following your priorities, group your items into work periods (Sprints) of two weeks. Include only those that can be accomplished in this period. Be realistic.
• You can add various periods (Sprints) in Releases, and after each Release, your product will have more value. Yes, remember the name of your product is “I”. In this case, when you finish your product, all the items will be part of you.
• Do not hesitate if you must change some items during the year or if you have to move some items to a new Sprint in 2020. This 2019 you should be ready to accept the changes and work with them. You only have fixed the time “365 days” and the resources “You”.
Have a blessed, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!
Be in Contact…
Marisol Mojica
Definitions by #SCRUM Alliance:
- #productbacklog – is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product
- #productowner – is responsible for maximizing the value of the product
- #sprint – a time-box of one month or less during which a “Done,” useable, and potentially releasable product Increment is created
- #Releases – final product functionalities